Originally Published on January 31, 2018 On Wednesday, 1/31/2108, the Florida Senate District 38 Health Task Force that was created by Senator Daphne Campbell, made history via a huge recognition of the Task Force in the Senate Chamber, by Speaker of the Senate. (As seen on The Florida Channel – Legislative Branch).
Originally Posted in November 30, 2017 Senate Health Advisor, Jennifer Leslie, has advised the Senate District 38 Health Task Force to begin a call to action on the human trafficking problem that is riveting our communities and the the entire country. According to recent academic journal articles, “approximately 18,000 people are trafficked into the United States every year and are…
Originally Posted on May 24, 2018 The Florida Senate District 38 Affordable Housing Task Force was in full effect on May 24, 2018, when it held its first affordable housing workshop. Senate District 38 Advisory Board Member Dr. Yinka Tella represented the Senator at the event. Committee members in attendance was Sholla Tella, Anna Pierre, Vice Chair of Florida Senate District…
WELCOME TO HEALTHCARE BROADCAST CHANNEL TV aka HBCTV. TYPE OF ORGANIZATION:Non-Profit PURPOSE:To disseminate charitable healthcare/scientific information, health policy awareness information and or education, to stimulate health policy discussions, “call to actions”, public cries, or activists’ movements, leading to policy changes which might not have otherwise occurred. MISSION:To fill the healthcare informational gap of the public, particularly during times of national…