Originally Posted on May 25, 2017
Florida Senator Daphne Campbell’s first District 38 Healthcare Town Hall meeting was held on May 25th, 2017, 5:30pm -7:30pm, at North Miami Senior High School. The event was organized by Florida Senate District 38 Health Task Force Chair Jennifer Leslie and Co-Chair Dr. Katherin Ntekim, with the support of Vice-Chair Marjorie Paul, Vice-Chair George Bossous, Jr., Vice-Chair Anna Pierre, and Committee Heads Patricia Love, Dr. Alejandro Arrieta, and Dr. Joseph Paul-Pierre Cadet.
North Miami Senior High School’s humongous and beautiful auditorium, had set the stage for the huge event. The AV equipment supported great visuals, the furniture was nicely arranged, and the room was spacious and comfortable. The friendly and positive attitude of all, was beyond measure.
Mercedes Alvarez, welcomed the huge crowd, followed by Dr. Norman Whyte who led the audience into prayer. The MC & Moderator throughout the night was Chair Jennifer Leslie.
Micaella Titus, Community Health Empowerment Network Executive Director, addressed HIV/AIDS as a preventable disease that continues to plague our South Florida community, and that through education, screening and outreach, we can make a difference in getting South Florida to zero.
Pharmacist Shola Tella of Rise N Shine Pharmacy, addressed the health care crisis in the U.S. characterized by astronomical cost of prescription drugs, and the underhand practices of the big chain pharmacies aimed at forcing independent players out of the market.
Health Task Force Co-Chair Dr. Katherine Ntekim, Marjori Paul, and Dr. Alejandro Arrieta, respectively addressed: Healthcare problems in District 38, Medicaid Expansion, and Healthcare research findings based on District 38 population. George Bossous, Jr., Health Task Force Vice-Chair addressed Mental Illness Bias and Access to Mental Healthcare.