Originally Published on March 18, 2017
The Florida Senate District 38 Health Task Force Legislative Committee and the Research & Recommendations Committee members have been hard at work. Dr. Director of the Research & Recommendations Committee, Alejandro Arrieta, and members of the committee have been working on community healthcare issues identified by designated Citizen Advisory Board members, Abraham Galbut, Esq. & Cliff Bauer. The issue selected by board members for both committees to work on is the Certificate of Needs House Bill 7.
For the past few weeks, Dr. Alejandro Arrieta and Legislative Committee members Patricia Love, Yinka Obajimi, and Desiree Sebastian, under Jennifer Leslie and Dr. Katherine Ntekim’s guidance, have been conducting extensive research on the issue as to what negative impacts HB7 would have on the District 38 constituents if passed. Members from both committees have used their evidence-based findings with proposed recommendations, to draft a letter. On Sunday, March 19th, Betty Charles, Esq, Co-Chair of the Legislative Committee, will hold a teleconference with the team, to help finalize the letter which will be sent to the legislator.